What can we help you with?
Where can I find the Office of Sponsored Research (OSR) forms?
Where do I find policies related to research administration at UCSF?
How do I find institutional information for UCSF, such as the EID and DUNS numbers?
Where can I find sources of funding for my project?
How do I find my OSR staff support?
How do I submit a Material Transfer (MTA) or Data Agreement (DUA)?
What is a Foreign Component on an NIH project.
What are some examples of a “significant element of a project” when making determinations regarding a foreign component?
Proposal Preparation and Submission
How do I submit my proposal?
How do I find institutional information for UCSF, such as the EID and DUNS numbers need for proposal preparation?
Budget Preparation
I have a postdoc or research associate that is coming from outside the U.S. to work on my federal award, can I charge the cost of their visa to the grant?
How do I determine the F&A/indirect cost rate to use for my project?
NIH Other Support
Should the budget amount during an NCE be the last year's direct costs, total costs or what is remaining?
Do we need to include awards where the PI has no measurable effort?
When a research is including information on a subproject, should the researcher provide thet total award for the averall award, or only the subproject. Also how should we report the effort if they are on more than one subproject?
How should we calculate effort? Should it be a "snapshot"? Or based on Calendar Year, Fiscal year, or on the Budget Period?
When should we remove something from the pending section?
Do you need prior approval from the NIH’s GMS for subsumed effort on a K award?
If my faculty is a co-investigator on a grant, should I list the project costs for the whole project, or for just his/her portion of the project?
How do I get previous copies of NIH RPPR progress reports?
Should I Submit the Other Support directly to NIH, or should it go to OSR?
Do we need prior approval for an increase of effort?
What if we have received prior approval to reduce effort?
What should I do if NCE is pending?
What are differet types of overlap?
What are some examples of Overlap statements?
Does UCSF have any additional resources regarding Foreign Influence?
If a PI has an appointment or receives resources from another entity, does this need to be reported internal at UCSF?
For NIH Other Support, should we use Annual Direct Costs or Total Costs?
Is the department’s role w/ foreign influence just to help make faculty aware and direct them to appropriate offices? Or are we expected to verify all information against other sources of information? For instance, do we need to be vetting non-US sponsors of research against entities subject to Restricted Persons Screening?
Does a Foreign Component need to be included on Other Support?
How should effort be listed for Industry Clinical Trials when the effort varies depending on the current progress?
Outgoing Subawards/Subcontracts
- General
- Budget/Scope of Work (SOW)
- Carryforward
- Human and Animal Subjects (IRB/IACUC)
- Indirect Costs and F&A Rate Agreements
- BCH Oakload Work Orders
- Working Capital Advance
How do I determine if the subaward should be set up as a cost reimbursable, fixed rate, or fixed amount?
What is the difference between Fixed Rate and Fixed Amount?
Should indirect costs be added to a fixed rate or should the fixed rate be inclusive of indirect costs?
Can an amendment include more than one action or do we need to submit separate request forms for different amendment actions?
Where can I locate the status of my subaward requests?
Why does the Subcontracts Team need the RAS Project ID?
How can I get this subaward agreement expedited?
Can the Subrecipient PI have 0 calendar months effort or effort as needed?
Can the subaward/subcontract extend beyond the prime award dates?
Can we process an NCE and a carry forward at the same time?
Can the Subcontracts Team process the subaward if the Notice of Award is in CACTAS but not in PeopleSoft?
The department wants to revise the budget amount or some other item after the subaward has been sent out, what action is needed from my end to ensure we grant the subsite with the correct budget or revised item? Do I need to submit another request form?
When is a budget justification required?
Does the Subcontracts Team review every single line item of the budget and justification?
How do I know when we need to fill out a subaward request form?
In what type of situations, would I need to get the SRF resigned or concurred by the PI again?
- Change in budget amount (does it matter if the budget increased or decreased?)
- Change in project dates?
- Change in Intent (I originally submitted it as in increased in funds, but realized it was actually for a carry forward request).
Can the budget period be longer than 1 year?
Budget/Scope of Work (SOW)
What should be included in the Scope of Work (SOW)?
When is a Scope of Work (SOW) required?
If the project dates are updated/extended, does that count as a change in the Scope of Work (SOW)?
When is a revised budget and/or revised scope of work (SOW) needed for a budget decrease?
Do we need a revised/additional scope of work when adding supplemental funds?
Do we need a revised/additional budget when adding supplemental funds?
Why do we need to include the total estimated period and total estimated amount for federal flow through subawards?
Do we need to include the total estimated period and total estimated amount for non-federal flow through subawards?
Is there a preferred format for the detailed budget?
Why can't we use the PHS 398 budget page for fixed rate?
How do I determine if the UCSF award was granted with automatic carryforward?
When do we need to provide the EIN on the request form?
Why is the EIN limited to 9 digits on the request form?
When do we need to provide the UEI on the request form?
Can we still include the DUNS instead of the UEI?
Can we issue a subaward or amendment to a subrecipient that does not have a SAM.gov UEI?
Does a subrecipient have to register with SAM.gov and have an active registration before we can issue a subaward to them?
When do we need to include the IACUC and IRB letters with the request form?
Does the IRB or IACUC letter need to be in English?
Does the IRB or IACUC need to have an expiration date?
Does the Subcontracts Team need the UCSF IRB or IACUC?
Indirect Costs and F&A Rate Agreements
What F&A/indirect cost rate should be applied to the outgoing subaward?
When do we include the F&A rate agreement?
Why do we need to include the F&A rate agreement with each request form?
What if the F&A rate has not changed from the previous year?
Can we determine the indirect rate to be used on the subaward budget?
BCH Oakland Work Orders
What is needed to issue a Work Order to BCH Oakland?
Working Capital Advance
What are Low and Middle Income Countried?
Why is the working capital advance limited to 25% of the annual amount?
How is the working capital advance calculated?
Clinical Trials
How do I set up a Clinical Trial?
Business Contracts
How do I request a business contract?
Award Set-up and Administration
How do I find institutional information for UCSF, such as the EID and DUNS numbers for award documents?
How do I find the status of my award?
How do I make a change to an existing award? Which OSR team should I work with?
Animal and Human Subjects
How do I make changes to/or file my IRB or IACUC ?
PSA/TAA Platform
What is different with the PSA Request Page in Lightning?
Why was the Billing Section in the PSA Request Page updated?
Will I be able to submit a request without uploading documentation supporting the compensations rates as FMV?
What is Buisness Contract Unit (BC)’s role in the PSA process?
What is FMV?
How will I determine that a rate is FMV?
Are old reports still available?
What is Lightning in relation to CACTAS and Salesforce?
What is different with the TAA Request Page in Lightning?
Does the Clone feature work?
How do I do a search in Lightning?
How do I run reports for my department’s PSAs in the Salesforce system?
How do I run reports for my School’s TAAs in the Salesforce system?