Fringe Benefit Rates

UCSF policy is to use the most accurate benefit rates for budgeting on sponsored proposals. 

Determining/Calculating Fringe Benefits

Allowable fringe benefits consist of employer contributions, such as constributions to health plans, insurance plans, social security, and retirement plans.

  1. Identify the Componsite Benefit Rate (CBR) based on the individual's appointment type. All rates are expressed as a percentage of salaries. 
  2. Calculate the fringe benefit costs, by multiplying the requested salary by the applicable benefit rate.


Composite Benefit Rates

Effective October 15, 2019, apply the Composite Benefit Rates. The CBR is projected to escalate annually and benefit rates will be applied based on budget period start/end date (similar to indirect costs). Please note that the Faculty Family-Friendly Childbearing/Childrearing benefit is assessed separately and is added to the CBR to calculate total fringe benefits on all proposals.  Check Composite Benefits Rate page for current Faculty Family-Friendly Childbearing/Childrearing benefit rate. 

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