Award Setup

OSR is responsible for preparing, interpreting, negotiating and accepting grants on behalf of The Regents of the University of California (UC) for sponsored projects. Awards given to UCSF and its researchers are awards to The Regents of the University of California. As a constitutional corporation, The Regents are responsible for the commitments made in their name by accepting grants and executing contracts.  

Award Intake

The OSR Triage team receives proposal and grant award matters, identifies the required action and assigns matter. Forward all awards to [email protected]

Set-up in the Research Administration System (RAS)

The award acceptance process ends when a fully executed contract, grant or amendment is received from the Sponsor and all compliance requirements are in place. 

OSR routes to Contracts and Grants Accounting (CGA) in CACTAS for Research Administration System (RAS) setup and Chart of Accounts (COA) assignment.

CGA completes complete the award setup by:

  1. Entering the entering the financial (e.g. F&A rates) and award information (e.g. terms) in the RAS
    • Uploading award documents
  2. Transmitting award information PI and department
  3. Notifying the Department and PI once the award set-up is complete
    • CGA will provide the award# (e.g. A121300), the primary project ID (e.g. 121300A), and Posting Level Dept ID. 
    • Departments have 1 business day to request changes to the assigned Posting level DeptID.
    • For multi-project award, the Department must make a request to [email protected]. CGA will then generate additional ProjectIDs linked to the fund (e.g. 121300B, 121300C, 121300D, etc.)

Data entered into RAS is used to generate reports and track funding.
