Electronic Systems

Proposal Submission, Research Administration and Tracking Systems


System Description Request Access
eProposal (MyAccess)

End-to-end system to support the full lifecycle of the pre-award process. 

  1. Proposal, including budget, creation
  2. Approval form, including online routing and approval to PIs and Chairs 
  3. Grants.gov forms, as applicable

Support Materials (requires MyAccess login)

OSR Training Opportunities

  1. UCSF Faculty have automatic access
  2. OSR Staff: Contact your Team Manager
  3. Post Award Analysts/Other Department Administrators: Contact your Department Access Administrator
Proposal Express/ PeopleSoft (MyAccess) Departments use to generate the UCSF OSR Approval Form for each proposal that they submit, track the status of the proposal and know when/how it was shipped to the sponsoring agency. Contact your Department Control Point

Centralized Agreement Contact Tracking and Approval System (CACTAS) (MyAccess)

Agreement management tool used for sponsored research agreements and Professional Service Agreements (PSA). 

Departments may view award status. 

Learn more

Contact [email protected]


Research Enterprise Management System (REMS)

Application to track indirect cost exceptions, maintain sponsor codes and publish sponsor guidance. 

OSR Training Opportunities

OSR staff are provided access to REMS.

RPAC will not authorize access without support from your local Contracts and Grants/Sponsored Projects Office. 

Proposal and Award Metrics Dashboard (PAMDash) 

Provides on-demand access to proposal and award data metrics. 

Learn more

  • PAMDash.ucsf.edu
  • UCSF Campus or Medical Center network/VPN connection REQUIRED; open to all UCSF Campus and Medical Center Staff and professional affiliates
  • Any problems related to Access should be reported to the Service Desk at 514-4100 or enter a ticket online at https://ucsf.service-now.com/ess/get_it_help.do and choose Business Application
  • IE and Chrome are preferred browsers. If using Firefox or Safari, a login box will appear.  Please use your MyAccess login and password.

Need Help?

UCSF not registered in sponsor website/system? Contact OSRInfo

Looking for Institutional Official names? Find Your OSR Support