Academic Senate 95% Rule

Maximum Salary Charge to Extramurally Sponsored Research

Federal regulations require that a faculty member's compensation be apportioned based on the "period of performance under sponsored agreements." It is recognized that it can be difficult to distinguish between research, teaching, and service. Thus, the Federal Government allows a degree of tolerance. For In-Residence faculty where the majority of salary support comes from non-State funds, and frequently from contracts and grants, a maximum of 95% of salary may be charged to extramurally sponsored projects. Permission may be given by the Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs to exceed this limit for unusual circumstances on a year-to-year basis. The Department Chair must verify in writing that the faculty member will have other non-research activities reduced for the relevant period of time.

Excerpted from a UCSF memo dated 10/31/96 from D. Bainton.
